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I love my seat covers, 1988 Corvette
Restoring my late father-in-law''s 1988 Coupe (it was very neglected) and one of the to-do list items was new seat covers. A long time ago in a state far, far away...I had a 2006 Dodge Ram with cloth seats and what ever the material was made out of, even just water would leave a stain after drying so I was looking for covers. I came across a company called Iggee and they boast S.Leather seat covers (Maybe the S means synthetic? No idea) and I gave them a shot. These are advertised as being cut for specific make/models of vehicles so it should fit above average. I ordered for the front and rear of the Ram and I must admit they did not disappoint. I had them on for over 10 years until I sold the truck and only the driver side where my phat a$$ slide in and out got worn.
I digress...
Sooo I ordered a set for the C4 and I really love the way it came out. At $185 for the set, these are nice covers at a decent price and you can find them a little cheaper on Amazon from the same manufacturer. My car is black with black interior so I went with the all black but they have different color combinations. I also took the time to replace the completely rusted out seat support wires and went local to the big box store to make my own straps. Cost me about $30 to do both seats and the difference the straps make is crazy.

Photos are at this website on the Corvette Forum...